Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Childhood obesity research paper Essay

â€Å"One out of every five children in the U.S. is overweight or obese† (â€Å"Obesity in Children†), and as the number rises the significance of the problem grows. Obesity is a widespread epidemic that is taking a toll not only on the US, but also other parts of the world. There are many causes for obesity in young children that stem from genetics, poor diet, and lack of physical activity. Obesity in children not only puts them at many risks for disease during their early ages, but also puts them at risk for problems later in life. These risks for disease can be prevented through the combined efforts of parents, doctors, government, school systems, and the children themselves. People are starting to take action against childhood obesity in numerous ways so that they can shape the lives of children and adults by encouraging healthier lifestyles now and in the future. Childhood obesity’s various causes and effects are increasing at epidemic proportions; however, through different ways of prevention childhood obesity can make a turn for the better in the future. Obesity can be defined as an excessively high amount of body fat in relation to lean body mass (â€Å"Childhood Obesity: The Effects†). Obesity is the result of a â€Å"caloric imbalance† which is when too few calories are expended for the amount of calories consumed (â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). A child is not obese until his or her weight is at least ten percent higher than what is recommended for his or her height and body type (â€Å"Obesity in Children And Teens†). People that become obese at a young age are at a high risk of becoming overweight in their adulthood. If one parent is obese, there is a 50 percent chance that the child will be, and if both parents are obese than the child has an 80 percent chance (â€Å"Childhood Obesity: The Effects†). Obesity generally starts between the ages of 5 and 6, or during adolescence. Studies show that a child who is obese between the ages of 10 and 13 has an 80 percent chance of becoming obese when he or she enters adulthood (â€Å"Obesity in Children And Teens†). One of the most important ways to decide whether someone is obese or not is based on BMI or Body Mass Index. BMI uses a mathematical formula, in which a person’s weight in pounds is divided by the square of the person’s height in inches and this result is then  multiplied by 703. Then, the BMI-for-age and gender specific is put on a growth chart and the person’s condition is determined. BMI over the 95th percentile is considered overweight or obese (â€Å"Childhood Obesity: The Effects†). As more and more children join the BMI percentile considered obese, the statistics increase. Thirty percent of adults who are categorized as obese got this way from problems in childhood. Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. The percentage of children aged 6 to 11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7 percent in 1980 to nearly 18 percent in 2012. In the same time period, obese adolescents aged 12 to 19 years have increased from 5 percent to 21 percent (â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). In 2005 a study showed that 12.5 million U.S. children and adolescents are considered obese, and with this number the average lifespan of all children could be lowered by up to five years (Manning). Although obesity is one of the easiest medical conditions to detect, it is one of the most difficult conditions to treat as obesity numbers grow to epidemic proportions. There is no single factor or behavior that causes obesity. Two of the most common factors that can be linked with the cause of obesity are genetic factors and lack of physical activity (â€Å"Obesity in Children†). Genetic factors affect obese children when the child’s parents are obese or there is history of obesity in their family. However, genetics are not the only cause of obesity, and other factors must take place (â€Å"Causes†). Lack of physical activity is becoming a more common factor as children are spending more time inside, and less time outside, or being active. Since technology is becoming a huge part of modern children’s lives, activities such as watching television, gaming, texting, and playing on the computer, all of which require very little energy, replace the physical activities which the children should be taking part in. Also, when children watch television, they often see commercials for unhealthy high-calorie snacks, and thus crave these foods. Another source for obesity is medical conditions, and although it is rare, it does sometimes occur. Hormone disorders or low thyroid function, and certain medications, can cause a child’s appetite to increase,  which in time can increase their risk for obesity (â€Å"Causes†). Also, if a child has a medical illness such as neurological problems, they can become obese (â€Å"Obesity in Children And Teens†). Unhealthy eating habits are a prominent cause of obesity in children. When children are at young ages, their parents will tell them to finish everything on their plate, which forces the children to ignore their fullness. When this behavior is repeated over many years, it becomes a habit, and can cause a person to eat whether they are hungry or full, and the habit is often very hard to break. Also, when parents have less time to plan and prepare healthy meals, their child usually ends up eating more processed and fast foods that are less healthy than home-cooked meals. If a child’s parents or siblings are overweight and have poor diet and exercise habits, the child is most likely to adopt these same habits (â€Å"Causes†). When stressful life events or changes, such as divorce, moves or deaths occur in a child’s life, they often seek food for comfort (â€Å"Obesity in Children And Teens†). As well as in the home and family, school and community resources also influence a child’s habits regarding diet. Vending machines and convenience stores rarely sell healthy foods, however they make it easy to grab a quick snack that is usually high in calories or fat. Restaurants reinforce the unhealthy habit by advertising high-calorie foods and large portion sizes. Schools have an important role in teaching students about healthy food choices and exercise, however not all schools offer these healthy choices or time for physical activity (â€Å"Causes†). These causes, which lead to obesity, have many immediate and long-term effects. Some of the immediate effects include high cholesterol, high blood pressure, prediabetes, bone and joint problems, and skin conditions such as fungal infections and acne (â€Å"Obesity in Children†). Children and adolescents who are obese are likely to be obese as adults, which puts them at greater risk for adult health problems. A few of these long-term effects include heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, cancer, and osteoathritis (â€Å"Child Obesity Facts†). However, some diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, which are thought of to be long-term effects, have increased dramatically in overweight children and adolescents (â€Å"Childhood Obesity: The Effects†). Childhood and adolescent obesity also has many mental health effects, and is associated with increased risk of emotional problems. The most immediate consequence of being overweight is social discrimination and low-self-esteem. In 2003 a study asked 106 children between the ages of 5 and 18 to rate their quality of life based on things like their ability to walk more than one block, play sports, sleep well, get along with others, and keep up in school. The study showed that obese children would often rate themselves with scores as low as those of a young cancer patient on chemotherapy. The results showed that teasing at school, difficulties playing sports, fatigue, sleep apnea and other problems severely affected the children’s well-being (â€Å"Childhood Obesity: The Effects†). Low-self-esteem leads to many cases of depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder found in obese children (â€Å"Obesity in Children And Teens†). Although obesity greatly affects a person’s well being, there are many ways to prevent obesity from becoming worse and to help obese children get on the right path for adulthood. Children and adolescent’s dietary and physical behaviors are influenced by many parts of society, including families, communities, schools, child care settings, medical care providers, faith-based institutions, government agencies, the media, and the food, beverage, and entertainment industries (â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). One of the most successful ways to help an obese child is through his or her family, by providing support and helping to make lifestyle changes. Family members can plan activities such as walking, biking, or swimming, and can reduce the amount of sedentary activities (â€Å"Obesity in Children†). Parents can lower the amount of fatty and sugary foods the child is eating, and can emphasize healthy eating by having fruits, vegetables and low-fat snacks available (â€Å"Childhood Obesity: The Effects†). Schools also play a crucial role in establishing a supportive environment, by providing the children with opportunities to learn about and practice a healthy eating and physical lifestyle (â€Å"Childhood Obesity Facts†). Children can also attend support groups, which are helpful because the others around them are dealing with the same issue. When a child or adolescent also has emotional problems, a  psychiatrist can work with the family’s physician to develop a treatment plan, that would include weight loss goals, dietary and physical activity management, behavior modification, and family involvement. Obesity often becomes a lifelong issue, so by learning at a younger age to eat and enjoy healthy foods in moderate amounts and to exercise regularly can prev ent the child from ever becoming obese (â€Å"Obesity in Children And Teens†). As the importance of prevention spreads, more and more communities nationwide are taking steps to fight against childhood obesity. Many foundations have been started, such as the Robert Johnson Wood Foundation, which declared a goal of reversing childhood obesity by 2015 and has put millions of dollars into the effort. The Wood foundation partnered with the YMCA of the USA to bring together activists, government officials, school administrators and parents, the medical community, and other leaders to broadcast a possible attack on the problem. The foundation funded efforts in 6 states and 32 communities. They have created policy changes in communities, such as purchase of healthier food and serving it in schools, the availability of fresh fruit and vegetables at corner stores, and increasing physical activity in school and after school programs and in the community through better transportation systems such as bicycle and walking trails (â€Å"Communities†). Foundations are at tempting to make the purpose of physical activity and following a healthy diet a use of the opportunities children have to be active and healthy, rather than being a chore (â€Å"Obesity in Children†). Obesity is an ongoing epidemic that is affecting a bounteous number of children every day. There are lots of causes for obesity in youth that can expose them to disease and other problems during their early childhood and adolescence, as well as later in life. However, these immediate and long-term effects are being noticed and are starting to be prevented. People across the nation are becoming involved in foundations that are trying to hinder childhood obesity and take steps toward healthier lifestyles for children. Although childhood obesity has a profuse count of causes and effects, and the statistics show an intimidating growth in numbers, prevention of childhood obesity can make for a healthier society and a  decrease in the amount of people who are impacted by this malady.

Discuss how ICT has changed modern society Essay

Our modern day world becomes more and more modern every day, with new technologies and advances coming up. ICT impacts all parts of our lives, and has had a massive impact to society, the environment and its future. Information and Communication technology opened up a whole new industry in the work sector, and that is clearly one of its many advantages. The ICT industry in Australia alone employs over 541,000 professionals. Meaning over half a million people with actual degrees in ICT related subjects. At least 500,000-1,000,000 are expected as amateurs who have worked in the industry before. Our reliance on computers and technology is the reason that this number continues to increase. Although employment rates in ICT have stabilised from the roaring it had over the past decade, it is still employing thousands of people annually. Increased employments rates in this sector allows a fast form of global communication and trade. ICT also left a mark on the way in which society communicates. E-mails, instant messaging, video conferences are all new ways in which people communicate effectively every day. These in turn, impact the economy. People have a much better standard of living as they don’t have to pay for phone bills, plane tickets, or spend money on gas to visit their friends. Instead, this can all be done within a few seconds with a computer costing less than a single plane ticket. Many schools worldwide use the internet for interactive trips for their students. With the economy suffering in the USA, may schools have adopted using video websites such as YouTube to keep the students interested with the issues of the world. It is only human to get a rush as soon as you sit down in front of a computer, same for kids. Students studying Applied ICT at AS and A2 level are learning topics that were taught at degree levels only a decade ago. So ICT skills needed for the workforce are actually taught earlier on in life now. That’s how vitally important they are. Nothing can be ‘complete’ without mentioning global warming. ICT has reduced CO2 emissions from paper refineries worldwide, which in turn reduces the amount of global warming. Also, if you were to write on paper, you would need plenty of light and paper to do so, instead, ICT gives you the light of the screen, and pixel paper. This can also lead to a decrease in global warming statistics that have been rising ever since it was proven. No matter how flat you make a pancake, it will still have two sides. So does the argument about the impact of ICT. Every upside comes with an equal downside, for example, even though ICT courses are offered to much younger ages now, that still doesn’t disregard the fact that specialist equipment and rooms are needed for these courses. Specialists for troubleshooting must be on call, and security can be one of the major issues, as people know they’re constantly being watched, and this may effect their strive to learn. For example if someone knows they’re being watched, they wont be so eager to learn anymore. Security issues and the feeling of always being watched and monitored can consequentially cause panic attacks, and increase stress. Stress is the number one leading factor for heart attacks worldwide. ICT is a package that comes with health risks. Some include; extremely low frequency radiation ( caused by the lack of sun and being exposed to electricity for too long), Eyestrain (caused by poor lighting and a flickering screen, causes headaches, weak vision and pain), and Repetitive Strain Injury ( caused by repetition of the same movement , causes aching in arms and shoulders, loss of strength). The wrong posture while using the computer is a theory for the increase in rates of Scoliosis. As jobs are being created by ICT, jobs are also lost as many office clerks and people are being replaced by machinery. Delicate and secure information can be easily duplicated without a trace. This raises the whole security of ICT issue IT crime, hacking, fraud, and tacking were one of the most important issues of our time at the stat of the millennium. In 2004, the  leading cause of credit card fraud was from the internet, and unsecure websites that sold merchandise such as books, electronics, and even furniture.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Matthew Mazzotta Essay

In John Milton Cooper Jr’s â€Å"Why Wisconsin? The Badger State in the Progressive Era† he talks about why Wisconsin was the leading state in the progressive movement and if it was just by a freak accident or not. Wisconsin became known as the laboratory of democracy around this time period by leading the reform movements that became known as progressivism. Many people like to accredit this to its people’s naturally bright, creative, forward looking attitudes. Yet there was no good reason why Wisconsin should have been the state to take the lead with this movement. Urban reforms are what first made an impact in the change in Wisconsin’s laws. There were many municipal reforms in many of the larger cities and towns but none of them ever grew into full-fledged movements that made it to other cities and states. Wisconsin took the lead in this movement in 1900 when Robert M. La Follette won the governorship at the head of an insurgent republican party that wanted to reform railroad taxation, railroad regulation, and the direct primary. From that moment on Wisconsin would remain at the head of the movement. The timing of this was one of the big factors that contributed to Wisconsin’s success. There were state wide reform movements appearing all over the mid-west, Ohio or Michigan may have beaten Wisconsin to the punch if it wasn’t for La Follette’s election at that time. Historians like to say that a person does not a movement make. But without La Follette Wisconsin probably would never had advanced as far as it did. Another fact that helped Wisconsin enter the reform as early as it did was its relative weakness of the conservative business allied elements that held power in the Republican Party, there was no political machine that ran the state. So clearly Wisconsin’s leading role in the progressive movement was not all due to one man, but that doesn’t make La Follette’s impact in the state any less real. Wisconsin became the lead in this movement by being the first to enact laws on a state level, which would never have happened so fast if it wasn’t for La Follette.   Between his elections he made sure to keep his name out there in the people’s minds by tirelessly speaking about reform issues, he also contacted likeminded leaders in counties and towns across the state and kept their names in an elaborate filing system, talking with them through frequent letters and meetings. La Follette’s followers called themselves â€Å"progressives† one of the first times the word that would become the signature for this era was used. Thanks to Muck-raking journalists who were pointing to La Follette and his state as shining examples on how to make things better, Wisconsin become renowned as the flagship state for reform. The progressives in the state would have times where the â€Å"Stalwarts† took control of the state but after a few of those times the progressives help on to control for over 20 years. So in conclusion, there were many reasons why Wisconsin was the leading state in the reform policies of the progressive era. Some of the reasons are directly related to people and their actions, and some are thanks to good luck and amazing timing. La Follette was the main reason that Wisconsin was able to do so well for itself, his amazing charisma unrelenting drive for changed is what pushed Wisconsin to pass all the reform laws that’s it did so early in the era. Yet if La Follette didn’t get elected when he did Wisconsin may have been lost in the confusion because other states would have beat them to the punch. Another reason why they did so well was because of their lack of a strong political machine that ran the state making it easy to pass laws and change things that have been the same in the state for so very long. So all in all La Follette was the main reason that Wisconsin was the flagship of the progressive movement, but he had plenty of help from luck, good ti ming, and amazing circumstances.

Monday, July 29, 2019

What are the differences between Wrongful Interference with a Essay

What are the differences between Wrongful Interference with a Contractual Relationship and Wrongful Interference with a Business Relationship - Essay Example It is also applicable where the tortfeasor goes against one party to perform his commitments under the agreement, accordingly keeping the offended party from getting the promised performance. The exemplary example of this tort happens when one party impels an alternate party to break an agreement with an outsider, in circumstances where the first party has no benefit to go about as it does and acts with information of the existence of the agreement. Such lead is termed tortious incitement of break of contract (Cross et al. 2012). The difference between wrongful interference with contractual and business relationship is very clear. To begin, wrongful inference with business happens where the offender acts in prevention of a plaintiff from establishing business relationship successfully. This tort may happen when the first party intentionally acts to cause the second party to stop pursuing a particular business line or enter into a business relationship with a third party, which would otherwise occurred. Such acts are considered as wrongful or tortious inference with a prospective business expectation, or merit or prospective financial benefit (John & Lawrence, 2000). Secondly, under the contract basis, the injured party sometime strives and becomes capable of recovering the actual damages for the direct and natural consequences of the breach. The injured party may also recover for damages, which were within the scrutiny of the contracting parties. The indemnities recoverable for wrongful interference are not measured through contract rules. Nonetheless, the injured party can convalesce from the tortfeasor: the contract’s financial forfeiture of the paybacks; far-reaching losses that the interference is termed as legal cause; and, emotional distress. In fact, emotional distress refers to the actual harm to reputation if they are judiciously to be anticipated to come up with as a result of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Country Assessment - PORTUGAL and ARGENTINA Research Paper

Country Assessment - PORTUGAL and ARGENTINA - Research Paper Example FDI in Portugal has been on the increase since 1990s due to increased involvement of Portuguese firms in international market. The average FDI figure for the past decade ranges from â‚ ¬21 million and â‚ ¬32 million and in 2008, the gross FDI was â‚ ¬31.9 million. Low wages in Portugal is one of the key factors which attract FDI in Portugal. Currently, foreign enterprise forms an important source of exports and employment in the country. Argentina does not have a record of good FDI levels and the figure have also been decreasing from USD 24 billion in 1999 to a virtual dry up. In 2009, this figure was $ 4.9 billion (IMF, 2010). Portugal has been experiencing a steady growth in its PPP since 1980. Since 2004, this figure has been over $20,000. According to IMF (2010), Portugal had a PPP of 23,113.858 in 2010. On the other hand, the growth of PPP in Argentina has not been steady though there is a general increase. For example there was a decline between 1998 and 2002 followed by a sharp steady increase till 2008. In 2010, its figure stood at $15,603.132. Portugal has not had a steady growth in its GDP. For example there was a -1.3% in 2004 followed by an average of 1.15 over the next four year and -2.60% in 2010. This figure is estimated to be 1.0% in 2011. Apart from a -14.70% recorded in 2003, Argentina’s GDP has been experiencing a good positive growth with an average of over 8.0%. However, this figure dropped to 6.80% in 2009 and 0.90% in 2010. The figure for 2011 is projected to be 7.5% (IMF, 2010). International Trading and Issues Most of Argentina’s exports are processed agricultural products, making up 54% of the total exports. Other exports sectors are industrial manufacturers, fuels and energy. Its major trade partner is Merscor. Others are US and Asian nations. Argentina adheres to most trade treaties and international agreements relating to intellectual property. However, in 1997, its pharmaceutical patent law was unsatisfactory causing the US to suspend 50% of its GSP benefits. The principal exports for Portugal are wood and paper products, fabrics, clothing and textile. Principle imports include machinery and transportation equipment and minerals. Its trade policy is similar to that of other EU members (Alguacil et al, 2008). Business regulations Importation of certain merchandise are restricted or totally prohibited in Portugal to protect its economy and security while some are subject to restrain under import quota. Exporters are required to ensure they get correct information indicating that a Portuguese importer has availed the correct information to allow submission of necessary information concerning goods labeling, packaging among others. It should also indicate proper arrangements for entry of goods into Portugal (US Department of Commerce, 2010). Argentina also restricts importation of certain goods for sanitary or safety reasons though restrictions also apply to used vehicles and their parts. S ocio-economical factors affecting international companies. Argentina has been experiencing social problems like wide-spread poverty, unequal income distribution and worsening public safety which has damaged the investment environment. It has made foreign investors to be hesitant in investing in Argentina. A notable percentage of Portuguese people also operate in a low socio-economic status. However, international companies are attracted to Portugal due to its low wage rates and relatively low levels of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Comments on Movies Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Comments on Movies - Article Example This is realized when he requests Kermit to create and advertisement which promotes fried frog legs. Thus, this remains a challenge for Kermit and his friends because every time they preferred resisting the request. Kermit, at the same time have to cope with the passionate feelings for Miss Foggy. There is a lot of homage done to classical films through this appealing children’s adventure. It features casts of Hollywood greats such as Edgar Bergen and Orson Welles. This movie was a great box office success. The song ‘The Rainbow Connection’ of the movie was nominated for the Oscar. Oscar Nominated Shorts-Live-Action Live-action, documentary shorts and animated are three categories during the Oscar program that people knew nothing about. Pentecost (Ireland) is about a dream of an Irish- Peter McDonald, who wants to become a footballer. The sport soccer is a part of everyday life in Ireland. In the starting of the movie, Damien (Scott Graham) is on a suspension at c hurch and grounded at home because he had hit the priest of the church with an incense burner. He is pardoned by the parish when they get to know that the bishop will be visiting. In addition, his father allows him to watch football on TV. Hence, the young lead performs really well throughout the movie. Raju, on the other hand is about a German couple who adopts an Indian boy. The movie is shot in Calcutta. The movie revolves around the quest to find Raju, when he disappears on an outing. Time Freak is a groove of movies on time-travel. A time machine is used by Stillman to travel back to recent events. The Shore (Northern Island) is a story of reconciliation, which is set against past historical events. Tuba, is a clever dark comedy. The star of which is ‘death angel’. It revolves around the track of events of the ‘death angel’, which are lined up when he learns that he has six days to live. We need to talk about Kevin Lynne Ramsay is a British Film maker who has featured this suspenseful and gripping psychological thriller. This movie explores the factious relationship between a mother and her son. Tilta Swindon plays the role of the mother, Eva, in a revitalizing, tour-de-force performance. The mother struggles against her first sons increasing malevolence for 15 years. Ezra Miller plays the role of the first-born child, Kevin. Kevin’s innate evilness is measured against Eva’s own culpability. Hence, exploring the nature vs. nurture debate. It is a thought provoking, fearless and confident movie. The experimental story of the movie is novel based. It is good to see Ramsay back with a bang after such a long time. The kid with a Bike This movie is about a boy who is left in a state run youth farm, abandoned by his father. The kid- Cyril, obsessively searches for his bicycle. The movie is very deep. Cyril places his last bit of hope in the symbol of his relationship with that of his fathers. The town hairdresser agrees t o foster him on weekends, in a random act of kindness. This act surprises the hairdresser to find herself so determined to help Cyril. In this film, the Dardenne brothers explore the emotional life of an 11 year old, who searches for father figures, with his wild and unpredictable behavior. The film’s concern is raised by the behavior of the man, with fathers and sons above the education and poverty issues, compelling to a universal moral plane, which is more interesting. Finally, the Dardenne bro

Friday, July 26, 2019

Short Story A short story about somebody who visits their friends Essay

Short Story A short story about somebody who visits their friends house and uses their computer. When their computer breaks down he blames his friend, before realising their was a fault with their computer - Essay Example He repeats this ritual five times. Although he is not a drinker, an insidious hangover would torture him the next morning reminding him of his wasted time after long nights of Internet bingeing. Like most addictions, the rationale for such behavior did not make any sense. Online high school behavior is just as bad as or even worse than high school itself. Online or not, gossip has no face time. Joe barges in with his IPod plugged into his ears and loud as it could be. He is wearing black jeans, a punk-studded belt tilted to the side, and a cap that says KORN. Joe has that hyperactive, ADHD intensity of waiting to entertain. â€Å"Alright look, I swear this is worth it. It’s unlike anything on the Web that is out there. It’s not some lame maze game where the Exorcist girl comes screeching at your screen. It’s no pop up windows full of false-hope million dollar jobs or anything like that.† Joe wears the posterity of a salesman, only he doesn’t have the matching outfit to compliment it. Just as Oscar was about to utter his first response to Joe’s obvious bogus Science Fiction field trip, the monitor shines a bright white that permeates the screen like a soft mist. Then the screen slowly zooms into black. Feeling spooked, Oscar felt an odd inclination to get out of there. Joe nonchalantly follows behind him. The parents weren’t home, so he couldn’t get their help. Oscar opens the door, but it is walled in with bricks. â€Å"Server Error† is chalked on the brick wall. However, they are able to escape through a window. The neighbourhood is not the same. The apartment building looks fragile like cardboard. The street tight ropes into a singularity that Joe or Oscar can’t quite make out. Joe and Oscar walk further down and notice the sides of everything have diminished. It’s a two-dimensional world. Oscar, in disbelief, continues to walk

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Incorporating the Cost of Capital Research Proposal

Incorporating the Cost of Capital - Research Proposal Example On the other hand, A negative net present value is a bad management decision. Thus, management must not push through with the planned investment. The Net present value is arrived at by the following: The managers will invest in a capital asset only if the net cash inflows are more than cost of capital. The difference between the two is the net cash inflow. The entire articles gives evidences that this very popular formula is more than just a formula. The entire journal is devoted to giving importance to the factors of sales, variable expenses and costs, as well as fixed expenses an costs. Clearly, the objective of the paper is persuade managers of the importance of cost of capital in decision making activities. The objectives are correctly stated. The objective truly draws the reader to the reasons of managers in using the various components in the cost volume profit analysis. For, the article clearly explains how the sales, variable expenses and costs as well as fixed expenses contributed to the increase and decrease of net income. The article clearly shows that cost of capital is a very important tool in determining if it would be economically profitable to infuse more money into a high monetary value assets (Schneider,1). Obviously, the objectives are correctly stated. One of the key issues considered in the article shows that cost of capital is arrived at by by including the interest expense spend fo... the net present value in determining if it is profitable to invest large sums of money in a new equipment or other similar large funded investments. The articles states that Cost Volume Profit Analysis incorporates the cost of capital. Evidently, one of the key issues considered in the article shows that cost of capital is arrived at by by including the interest expense spend for borrowing money. Further, this same article also explains that there is a strong relationship between cost of capital and factors like net revenues, variable expenses and fixed expenses. In addition, the articles tells that managers would make better decisions if the cost of capital is included in the cost volume profit analysis. The article also tells that the manager's process improvement decisions must also include financial data under product mix and pricing. This formula is the mathematical representation of the economics of producing a product. The article shows that the investment is not good if the cost of capital is more than the net cash inflow from operating the investment. On the other hand, an investment in high value items is an excellent management decision if the net cash inflow exceeds the cost of the capital. The article also discusses that increases in variable costs will decrease profits. On the other hand, increases in net revenues increases profits. Further mathematical computat ions show that net profit is the difference between the net revenues and total expenses and costs. Truly, this same article also explains that there is a strong relationship between cost of capital and factors like net revenues, variable expenses and fixed

Second Language Teaching Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Second Language Teaching - Research Paper Example Acquisition of second language is facilitated by speaking; in fact, engaging in conversation through which the student gains control of over the topic of discussion, this offers a chance for participants to express their ideas, thereby providing substantial intake. In this case, this involves activities in classrooms, which are natural interesting and comprehensible (Archibald, 2000). On the other hand, teaching programs, which offer comprehensive input in classrooms in a way that attributes in the classroom, are considered to be the best for acquisition of second language to the intermediate level. Nonetheless, the perfect input, which facilitates the acquisition of second language, resembles the input acquired by students in the elementary school. Therefore, the comprehensive, necessary input is based on their instantaneous interest, which is not complex and not graded with stringency. On-going, specific, and immediate feedback Feedback is offered to students in the process of lear ning after an evaluation, or when they make mistakes, and this becomes an object of attention; for instance, feedback evoked by a mistake by the students in the elementary school is immediate, whereby the educator is expected to ensure that the student has recognized the mistake and corrected it (Folse, 2004). On the other hand, an educator can issue specific feedback, whereby a recast is involved as a form of negative feedback whereby learners are likely to ignore. Ongoing feedback involves learners asking questions in the learning process, whereby they seek classification as they provide feedback and teachers are expected to tune their input in the necessary level in order to facilitate effective acquisition of second language (Folse, 2004). Feedback is considered to a crucial way of involving and consolidating students in the learning process. In fact, this is a process that is utilized in identifying areas of second language teaching that need improvement. Moreover, feedback has been considered a fundamental element in the second language teaching, whereby it is a product, process and genre through which teachers apply crucial components of their instructional repertoires. Grouping structures and techniques Grouping structures and techniques are based on the structure of language and descriptive linguistics; in fact, this involves isolating grammatical and syntactic elements in the process of teaching the second language (White, 2000). In this case, these structural groups are used either deductively or inductively for predetermining the sequence of the learning process, and on the other hand, there is a need for meta-linguistic content in the learning process that facilitates learning. Building background and vocabulary development Students in the elementary school are influenced by academic background knowledge in the learning process of second language. Therefore, educators are expected to understand the way to build’ students’ background knowledge and vocabulary development through direct teaching of specific vocabulary in a given way (Folse, 2004). In this case, teachers in elementary school apply research based steps of vocabulary instruction model to assist students that are struggling to increase their confidence and acquire second language. In addition, there is a need to focus on particular strategies applied in this step while introducing words in a way that is not intimidating them (Folse, 2004). Apparently, this allows students to process the words based on multiple

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Understanding the Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Understanding the Concepts - Essay Example Concept of NPV/Payback Rule: The concept of NPV or Net Present Value of a particular investment represents the difference in its market value and its actual cost. The value of NPV is determined by estimating the present value of those cash flows that shall take place in the future. The cost is then deducted from the resultant to obtain the value of the NPV. According to the payback rule, a particular cutoff is selected and if the payback period is less than that cutoff, the project proves to be good to undertake. A payback period represents the time period when the cost of the project becomes equal to the total sum of the investments made on the project (Ross, Westerfield & Jordan, 2008, p.290). Thus, these two concepts can be utilized in the business in order to determine whether the investments made on the project and the costs being incurred are on a right track to provide the owner with sufficient returns. Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt Financing and Issue of Stocks over Bonds: The first advantage of debt financing is that a business only requires repayment of the borrowed amount but it is the owners who are accrued for any rise in the firm’s value. Secondly, debt is less costly in comparison to equity and carries lesser amounts of risk. Thirdly, the availability of debt financing is more frequent and easy than equity financing. The disadvantages of debt financing lie with the fact that debts have to be cleared even if the firm has undergone any losses in its finances. Secondly, in debt financing the assets of a firm are required to be used a guarantee that limits the further borrowing of the firm. Thirdly, several restrictions might be presented by the lenders in the process of debt financing. Lastly, personal guarantee might also be required in some cases (Seidman, 2005, pp.32-33). An organization would choose to issue stocks than bonds since firstly a stock represents the share of the owners of the firm, while a bond is a debt instrument. Secondly, a stock does not have a maturity period unlike bonds that have a fixed maturity period. Thirdly, dividends are gained over stocks while bonds borne fixed rates of interests (Brown, 2011). Risk-Returns Relationship: Financial risks are considered to be any such uncertainty that might affect the positive outcomes of a firm. Such risks might be associated with the market which is external to a firm. On the other hand, internal problems might also give rise to risks. The primary relationship between financial returns and risk arise based on the fact that investors always prefer higher returns and lesser risks. Thus it can be understood in this context that if financial risks are higher in case of an investment, the investor would have expectations for higher returns. This reflects on a trade-off that exists between the risks and the returns. Such a trade-off enables determination of the added amount of ret urn that an investor would receive if he considers a higher level of risk in his investment measure (Brigham & Houston, 2012, p.258). Thus depending on the level of risks that an investor can consider in his investment, the financial returns vary and this throws light on the relationship that exists between financial returns and risks. Beta and its Use: The concept of beta has been used for the measurement of systematic

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Genetically Modified Foods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Genetically Modified Foods - Research Paper Example Genetically modified foods also known as biotech foods are foods that are manufactured artificially. Unlike other natural foods, genetically modified foods are produced from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Most genetically modified foods produced by genetically modified organisms are crops. The crops produced from genetically modified organisms include maize, wheat, beans, tomatoes and rice to mention but a few. GMOs are organisms that had changes in their bodies which were done by the introduction of some hormones into their bodies (Halford 2003). These changes were different from the mutational changes that are done to other organisms by genetic engineers. The commercial selling of genetic modified food products is believed to have begun in 1994. Scientists or rather genetic engineers began to produce genetically modified crops because they wanted to curb the increasing global hunger by then. The genetically modified crops undergo faster growth unlike the natural crops (Half ord 2003). Therefore, this helped to curb the menace of hunger. Genetically produced crops are also resistant to pathogens and other types of pests. This makes them to be produced in large amounts enough to cater for the rising world population. It was also found out that the natural crops lacked some nutrients such as iron and calcium. Therefore, the production of GMOs began since they produced extra nutrients which were helpful to children and pregnant mothers. However, after some years, the production of genetically modified food products faced strong opposition from world organizations.... In addition, the paper also discusses the possible solutions to the problems caused by the genetically produced food products. Opposing viewpoint There have been campaigns which encourage the supply of genetically modified products in the global market. Several organizations such as the European Union began to oppose the commercial sale of the products because the organization believed that the products were not good for human health. Several scientists were against the idea to encourage the production of genetically modified food products. However, one scientist who was popular because of his pro GMO campaigns was known as Thierry Vrain. Vrain in his campaigns gave alternative perspectives and proposed different methods of addressing the issue of genetically modified food products. To begin with, Vrain suggested that the growth of natural crops through irrigation is tiresome and hence should not be enhanced. He also suggested that the sale of genetically modified food products shoul d be enhanced globally. Vrain also supported biotechnology which encouraged the production of genetically modified food products. He proved his stand by withdrawing from a group of scientists who held meetings to campaign against the genetically modification of food products. However, according to this documented research paper, Vrain’s stand on genetically modified food products is found to be invalid. This is because the naturally grown crops such as maize, wheat, tomatoes, and beans among others were found to be very healthy and of good quality (Halford 2003). Especially among pregnant mothers and young children, they were discovered to provide certain nutrients such as iron and calcium which are not found in genetically modified

Monday, July 22, 2019

Employee empowerment Essay Example for Free

Employee empowerment Essay With no particular list of practices and principles associated with t TQM, a culture, focuses on quality and what does quality constitute in an organizations functions and it considers customer reaction the best measure of quality which depicts the chances of competitive advantage and higher gross profits. Employees having ideas about the improvement of quality and how to do a good Job should be asked to contribute and monitor quality in TQM programs. These programs lay emphasis on the use of technologies that support and aid quality measurement, improvement, issue identification and its solution. In order to ensure substantial commitment to making better decisions and Increase effectiveness and fficiency individuals or teams should be given the power, information and knowledge concerning their autonomous performance and management. Employee involvement programs emphasize changing Job designs and using team structures at the organizations lowest level where as Employee involvement programs emphasize changing Job designs and using team structures at the organizations lowest level. This comparison shows that they do overlap substantially In their major points but that employee Involvement argues for some different forms of organization and places more stress on practices such as self managing work teams. Employee nvolvement seems to fit well In rather small organizational units which are created to produce entire products and serve a particular customer base. Total quality management processes tend to fit situations where large numbers of employees are required to service a customer or produce a product. Depending upon the organizations condition, strategic orientation, the kind of work It needs to do, and where It operates, the best management approach may be either one of these In Its pure form or an approach that modifies each to take advantage of certain elements In the other. Future research needs to focus on when and how specific practices ffect organizational performance. mployee empowerment By areebasaad27 substantial commitment to making better decisions and increase effectiveness and This comparison shows that they do overlap substantially in their major points but that employee involvement argues for some different forms of organization and involvement seems to fit well in rather small organizational units which are created organizations condition, strategic orientation, the kind of work it needs to do, and where it operates, t he best management approach may be either one of these in its in the other. Future research needs to focus on when and how specific practices

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Social Stratification Is A Sociological Phenomenon Sociology Essay

Social Stratification Is A Sociological Phenomenon Sociology Essay Social stratification is a sociological phenomenon in which people in the society are placed in different ranks with reference to same economic conditions. Normally, there are those of high standard and others of a low standard. Social stratification borrows classification from earth sciences and thus it refers to its classes as strata. The difference in economic characteristics of persons leads to domination of power by one group to another. Social Stratification is characterized by four core principles namely; Social stratification has been said to be transferable from generation to another. Every generation adopts the classifications that had been set by a generation that preceded. Social stratification is a societal characteristic and not an individual view. The society forms a uniform way of grading persons which is not a sole persons objective. Social stratification is said to be universal and also variable. Though this statement seems contradictory, it means that classification is uniform in a certain society but will vary when compared with other societies. Lastly, social stratification is not all about equality of persons, but also the beliefs that they hold. This means that social classes in the society are also based on common beliefs. The classification of the society into various ranks brings about inequality. In the western communities, social stratification adopts three key stratas; the upper, middle and lower class. It is due to these classes that inequality is developed. Those of upper class view themselves as superior and having more prestige compared to their counterparts in lower ranks. Therefore, sharing of common resources in the society is based on the stratification ranks. Inequality is a social evil that emanates from social stratification. Origins of the Social Stratification theory The above theory is said to have emanated from the Judaeo-Christian Bible which presents the social idea of the Greeks. Though the idea was not extremely straightforward at the beginning, it has gone through various transformations to the present day where it presents itself clearly. The sociological view of Social stratification and inequality Various sociologists have had different views and interpretations on social stratification. For instance, Talcott Parsons who was an American sociologist emphasized that stability of social stratas is partly influenced by universal values. On a different note, Marxism identifies unequal distribution of resources and limited mobility to be factors of stratified societies. However, numerous sociologists have had a uniform view with reference to the fact that the wealthy in the society control the political power. In such a case, the poor ought to submit to orders from the rich. Several sociologists had diverse views on the origin and form of the social stratification theory. Below are some of these sociologists and various discussions regarding each one of them. Karl Marx In his theory of Marxism, Karl asserted that social stratification in the society is based on the way people are related to the factors of production. In such, there exist two different categories of persons; those that own the factors of production and those who labor for the owner of the factors of production. The classification by Karl Marx seems to be inadequate especially in the current view of economics. This is because there exist various aspects of the present economy that have been left untackled by the Marxism theory. For instance; it does not provide accurate categorization as to productive, occupational and economic aspects of the society. Modern scholars of economics have said that the issue of social stratifications requires in depth classifications other than the generalized one provided for by the Marxism theory. In fact, theories behind social stratification need to draw a clear cut between the economic aspects of skilled and unskilled labor, owning and managing a bu siness and also between business and professional occupational roles. Secondly, the Marxism theory appears to be so generalized to an extent that it overlooks various vital social-structural phenomena that are o great influence in the society. These include ethnic affiliations, kinship and lineage affiliations. Modern sociologists have however not ignored these crucial aspects the way Marx did. Thirdly, the theory of Marx on social stratification seems to be so limited in defining the role of cultural factors in social classification. Cultural factors include legal practices, religious norms and scientific ideas among others. It is crucial to note that science has played a key role in maintaining social classes. In summary, Mar defined the relationship between people and property as the key aspect behind social stratification. Max Weber Weber was thrilled by the propositions of his predecessor, Marx, and hence he thought of making corrections to Marxs theory. Weber designed a model based on status, class and a more explicit and systematic differentiation with reference to social stratification. Unlike Marx who identified property to be the sole determining factor in social stratification, Weber identified status and class as additional factors. Weber build an interconnected model that would define the relationship between these three factors. Any of the factors can affect the other two, and in any case any of these factors can be replaced with another. In his model, Weber also did not cover several key influencing factors like education, ethnic and kinship factors. Below are the definitions that Weber gave to his three factors of influence; He defined class as an individuals economic position in the society with reference to birth and their personal achievement. Secondly, he defined status as the position occupied by an individual in the society as a result of their social honor, popularity and prestige. Weber also defined power as the ability of an individual to progress despite various factors offering resistance in the society. Wright Mills Wright sought to advance Webers thoughts on social stratification with no discrimination whatsoever. Similar to Weber, he identified power to be economic oriented but in addition to be influenced by political and military domains. Through his famous book titled The Power Elite, Mills brings out a clear connection between political power and social statas in the society. He asserted that the very power embodied persons occupy a certain class in the society. In order to keep themselves relevant in the society, the power elite tend to develop close ties in ideas, work and marital issues. To him, the power elite is clearly defined in education institutions whereby the persons of the high status group attend prominent schools thus preparing them for high class tertiary schools. Conceptual model to Social Stratification A conceptual model for the current nature of social stratification ought to be multidimensional. It should have considerable measurement techniques and be flexible to accommodate various ideological biases. There appears to be two factors that have led to the resistance of such a conceptual model. These are ideological and methodological oriented. Looking at ideological issues, we find sociologists who still hold on to the traditional ways of classifying people. They want to maintain definitions that are simple clear and self explanatory. However, simple definitions have proved to be incompetent in the current nature of society that presents changing and complex situations. With reference to methodology aspects, scientists have had fear of exploring a multidimensional concept because they fear the complex resources and methods that could be involved. The more differentiated a model is, the more involving it will be in terms of equipments needed to analyze and the processes that will be involved. New ideas have not been explored by sociologist researchers who have committed themselves in exploring simple models hence there is still a lot to be explored. Studies by the Hindu caste society show that there is a necessity for a multidimensional model. Various dimensions of stratification are closely related to one another but this does not mean that they are not exclusively autonomous. For instance, such dimensions as power, prestige, income and education are in a way related to one another. However, in some cases, it can be noted that power is independent of the other factors. In fact, in certain circumstances, power may be attained irrespective of occupational prestige. Again, a certain level of education grounds may not be strong enough if not accompanied by money. The key role of a multidimensional model is to address issues of interdependence and independence of social stratification factors. Key dimensions of Social Stratification Power As defined earlier in this paper and with reference to Karl Marx, power refers to the ability to pursue goals despite resisting factors. Power will be addressed with reference to size and various natures of societies. The degree of division of labor in the society is related to the way typical social classes will be formed. Power exists in two diverse forms; legitimate and illegitimate and hence there cannot be established a direct relation between power and social stratification. Occupational prestige The various productive roles in the society are accorded different level of prestige. It has been evident that though societies may be different, there will always exist a similarity in the way they accord prestige to various occupations. For instance; some professions like law, medicine and pilot are given a high level of prestige because they are associated with good amounts of money. The vaiability of the way occupations are valued is dependent on the way the society values those occupations. Therefore, it is vital to note that prestige accorded to various occupations will differ with reference to the values of the societal setting. Income/Wealth Wealth plays a extremely significant role in social stratification. Whether earned or inherited, wealth will impact the type of class that a person will occupy in the society. Various profession and business roles in the society offer diverse opportunities in accumulating wealth. Sometimes, the so high ranked roles have proven to accumulate low wealth when compared to low prestige roles. Looking at the example of a professional doctor who uses intellect and professionalism to accumulate his wealth yet he may not gather a lot like a bandit. The latter can accumulate in one night, money equal to that a professional doctor earns in an entire month. When money is used as the determining factor in social stratification, business and professional roles lack relevance. Social stratification on basis of income influences to a significant extent other dimensions of societal classification. For instance; the level of education gained by a person may be determined by the relative amount of income they have. Disposable income has also not been left out in studying how it influences social stratification. Family and ethnicity The status of kinship groups and family lineage plays a vital role in determining the social classes in the society. Not once and not twice have persons been seen as wealthy and hence prestigious because their fore fathers were wealthy. The role played by a family in the society in terms of monetary contribution and influence holds a significant support as to why it holds a certain class in the society. The class occupied by a certain family in the society determines the social class it occupies and hence the kind of treatment they will be accorded by the entire society. Family and ethnic position do not however hold a one to one relationship in far as social stratification is concerned. Local community status Individuals and families do not live in isolations or in islands in the society. Their day to day activities are influenced by norms set by the nature of the community. Families and individuals by extension are given placed under certain social classes due to the way the society operates. The position of local community in the society is determined by the nature of influence it has on the entire community. Modern Stratification Systems In the contemporary world, there exists three key systems of stratification whish are; slavery, the caste system and the class system. Despite various laws disregarding slavery, many people in the world today live in conditions that can be classified as slavery. Slavery is still eminent in nations such as Ghana, Benin and Mauritania among others. Also, Asia has been mentioned numerously for prevalent cases in sex slavery. Caste System The above is a social system that is based on characteristics and traits those persons posses as virtue of their birth. These traits include body type, race, gender and age among others. The caste system is said to be a rigid one. This means that it assigns various unchangeable castes to persons which cannot be varied. However, persons have in various situations tried to change their ascribed statuses by lying about their age, changing nationality or performing plastic surgery but not at all times do these attempts yield positive results. Class system Class system classifies persons with reference to statuses that they have earned and not those that they were born with. Persons born in a certain social class can choose their careers, education level and spouses. The class system is characterized by social mobility nature. Social mobility refers to the act of moving either up or down the various social strata. Conclusion Every society has various classes that are generally assumed by members of the society based on various factors. Common held belief in the society model the way a society sets up these classes. Most common factors that determine classification are education and knowledge, power, prestige, and religion among other factors. Sociologists have formed various theories to address the determining factors of social stratification though no one theory seems to have provided comprehensive coverage. Every society exhibits unique factors and believes, but there exists a close relationship between the way these diverse factors influence social stratification.

Problems of Doping in Sport

Problems of Doping in Sport Doping is becoming a very serious problem, not only within the united states but around the world too. A lot people do not actually understand the term of doping well doping is when an athlete takes a drug that improves his/her playing ability.So many athletes around the world have been accused of doing this which brings up the question.Should athletes who have been caught doping be allowed to keep their trophies and medals. A great example would be weight lifters.There have many situation where weight lifters have been question to see if they used drugs to help them win.(The use of performance-enhancing drugs, or doping, by professional athletes has been acknowledged as a problem since at least the 1960s.Since then there have been multiple cases where athletes have been caught doping (The number of records that have been broken has led to allegations of use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports. ).So its saying that all these record holders are all being accused of doping..Which proves the point that athletes are using these drugs to win. Another example would be Lance Armstrong. Lance armstrong is a world famous cyclist who has won a record holding seven tour de france titles. Recently lance has been stripped of all the titles because come to find out he was doping. (Lance Armstrong, (born September 18, 1971, Plano, Texas, U.S.), American cyclist, who was the only rider to win seven Tour de France titles (1999-2005) but who was later stripped of all his titles after an investigation revealed that he was the key figure in a wide-ranging doping conspiracy while he compiled his Tour victories.)(Alex Rodriguez admits to using performance-enhancing drugs while playing for the Texas Rangers).(Three-time Tour de France winner Alberto Contador is stripped of his 2010 title for doping).(The USADA bans sprinter Justin Gatlin for eight years after he tests positive for banned substances a second time. Gatlin is also forced to forfeit his 100-meter world record).(1996 Tour de France winner Bjarne Riis admits using performance-enhancing drugs to win his title. Race organizers tell him to return his yellow first-place jersey).Showing that Lance Armstrong is one of the many who have been caught doping. (Armstrong used performance-enhancing drugs-including eryt hropoietin (EPO) and human growth hormone-and distributed drugs to other cyclists.)Not only has he been caught doping but also of distributing the drug to other cyclist, which mean there are more of them out there who have yet to be caught.Lance Armstrong a man who could of had a great career and could have accomplished a lot of good things decided to dope and throw his career away. Not only that but the things he WORKED so hard for to get (his medals and trophies) got takes away from him in a instant, proving that athletes who use doping as a way to get an advantage should be striped of the tiles and trophies. Now losing their trophies is not the only negative thing that comes out of doping along with the fact that you are teacher the younger generation to cheat but doping also affects you physically and mentally. Some of the side effects can be very little and some have been know to end in death.(Anabolic steroid abuse has been associated with a wide range of adverse side effects ranging from some that are physically unattractive, such as acne and breast development in men, to others that are life threatening, such as heart attacks and liver cancer.)There are still few cases where people have died doping. Results may vary depending on your gender, for example if you are a male the results can be (infertility, breast development, shrinking of the testicles,male-pattern baldness). Now for females results can be (anabolic steroids cause masculinization. Breast size and body fat decrease, the skin becomes coarse, the clitoris enlarges, and the voice deepens. Women may experience excessive gro wth of body hair but lose scalp hair).Showing that doping once again will cause nothing but harm to yourself.What is the point of doping knowing eventually you will get caught, not only are they losing trophies and medals but now they are slowly losing your life. Now Doping can not only hurt you physically but it can hurt you socially as in the people and things around you. First off it can send a bad message to the younger generation, a lot of these kids grow up in bad environments and do not have much going for them so sports is kind of there way out of that harsh place and when they see their favorite athletes doping they are going to grow up thinking that it is okay cause that is what they grew up watching. (Alex Rodriguez admits to using performance-enhancing drugs while playing for the Texas Rangers). Alex Rodriguez is a very famous baseball player who played for the new york yankees and the texas ranger and is a really big icon to all the little baseball player. Now do you think they will react when they hear that he has been caught doping? They will probably think it is cool and want to do it when they get older. Which is not the message the athletes want to be sending but that is how they will take it when they keep hearing about some athlete who got caught doping. Oddly enough some people in society believe doping should be allowed be allowed in sports because they think it will make it more interesting. (others believe that athletes should be free to improve their performances as they see fit and that sports would be better served if the drugs were legitimate and safe). These are the people who have already been poisoned thinking that doping is a good thing as long as it is safe which no doping is safe. Now there are some people who think it is dump and destroys the integrity of the game. (Many people support the idea that the use of performance-enhancing drugs weakens the integrity of sports). Which shows that a lot of believe that no good comes from doping. Doping is a serious that has been on the rise for a while now ,many athletes have been caught doing it and it can cause health problems. Some people have accepted that it is a thing and believe they should be allowed to do it and most people with common sense thinks it is dumb and should not be allowed. Answer this is doping worth it, knowing that it will cost all the medals and trophies they worked so hard to get and possibly even their life. Make a difference in the world and stop doping References Abt, Samuel. Lance Armstrong. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 18 Jan. 2013. Web. 13 Feb. 2017 Doping in Sports, SIRS Discoverer: Pro/Con Leading Issues, 2016, SIRS Discoverer, Https:// What Are the Health Consequences of Steroid Abuse?What Are the Health Consequences of Steroid Abuse? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2017.. Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Fast Facts. CNN Wire, 26 Jan. 2017. General OneFile, Accessed 6 Feb. 2017.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Justification of Reverse Discrimination in Hiring Essay -- Literar

In â€Å"The Justification of Reverse Discrimination in Hiring,† Tom Beauchamp displays statistics of underrepresented races and genders in institutions. The inequality is due to the underlying persistent racism originating decades ago. It has been pervasively executed despite federal laws for equality. The expectation for a level-playing field is not a reality, as statistically show with underrepresented African Americans (1. Beauchamp, CC2011, p 0228). Beauchamp points out that at first sight, reverse discrimination appears immoral, because it crafts a prejudice for one race over another. However, he asserts that this inference is not applicable in the real world where ubiquitous prejudice still exists as indicated by statistics. Because we currently do not have an equal playing field, humans are morally obligated to do whatever it takes to achieve it if they aspire for an ideal equal society (2. Beauchamp, CC2011, p 0226). In order to be liberated from discriminatory prac tices, society must practice reverse discrimination, as it is morally justified for the greater good in the end. Once the equal playing field is reached with the addition of minorities through preferential treatment, reverse discrimination becomes unnecessary. James Rachels bases his moral reasoning for reverse discrimination on what people deserve. Although he is conscious that reverse discrimination appears unfair to those directly affected, he proposes that fairness is dependent on desert. What an individual deserves lies on the effort and willpower for achievement (3. Rachels, CC2011, p 0201). Therefore, it is morally acceptable to execute preferential treatment towards a deserving individual if he or she put in more effort. Rachels’ moral reasoning for sup... ...nforce the negative stereotype that minorities who got in, had an unfair racial advantage. Therefore reverse discrimination has even worse consequences that rise from the glorified end result Rachels suggests with role models. Additionally, I would contend that effort is too subjective to quantify when both parties have distinct unearned disadvantages. Caucasians face different kinds of hurdles such as psychological pressure to succeed and increased competition at better schools, making it more difficult to get good grades. Rachels’ argument is not universal to all situations. This makes reverse discrimination morally wrong when it generalizes Caucasians from disadvantaged backgrounds, to intrinsically possess advantages. Justice is still not met if the policy cannot extend to all circumstances, making even the moderate form of reverse discrimination unfair.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Why Do I Volunteer? :: Contribution to My Community Service

Some people volunteer to gain career experience, to build their resume. Develop skills or learn new ones. In addition volunteer work enables others to make contacts with people in their chosen career. Some people volunteer to build self-esteem, to make themselves feel better. To feel needed, to feel that they have a place in this world. To truly feel like they are making a contribution to society. Some people volunteer for the social aspect, to climb the social ladder while helping those less fortunate. Some people volunteer as a result of the instilled set of values they have a set of values that compel them to act on deeply held beliefs about the importance of helping others. Some people volunteer because they have felt the cruel sting that life may have afflicted them or a loved one with. For example someone might volunteer for the American Cancer Society because a family member died of cancer. And some people do it because they want a better understanding about different people or the organization they serve, "bridging the gap," so to speak, in order to better understand their community and themselves. However, I volunteer to give back to my community. I am grateful for the help I received from others. When I was in high school I participated in the Upward Bound program. There I was influenced by the academic success of my tutors. I was challenged by them to exceed all of their expectations, and to broaden my horizons of thinking. Through Upward Bound I was able to acquire skills and opportunities that have helped me become the person that I am today. So I give back to enable kids to have the same chances at life that I have had. Volunteering is the ultimate payback to those who helped me on the road to success. I remember asking a counselor when I was in Upward Bound how I could repay him. He smiled and said "You can help me by helping another." A statement so simple, yet so deep in its meaning. The feeling that I can shape someone's life for the better is unexplainable. When I got my first volunteer position as a junior counselor at my local Boys and Girls club, I was eager to be a great role model for the kids. But things did not work out as I initially thought. Why Do I Volunteer? :: Contribution to My Community Service Some people volunteer to gain career experience, to build their resume. Develop skills or learn new ones. In addition volunteer work enables others to make contacts with people in their chosen career. Some people volunteer to build self-esteem, to make themselves feel better. To feel needed, to feel that they have a place in this world. To truly feel like they are making a contribution to society. Some people volunteer for the social aspect, to climb the social ladder while helping those less fortunate. Some people volunteer as a result of the instilled set of values they have a set of values that compel them to act on deeply held beliefs about the importance of helping others. Some people volunteer because they have felt the cruel sting that life may have afflicted them or a loved one with. For example someone might volunteer for the American Cancer Society because a family member died of cancer. And some people do it because they want a better understanding about different people or the organization they serve, "bridging the gap," so to speak, in order to better understand their community and themselves. However, I volunteer to give back to my community. I am grateful for the help I received from others. When I was in high school I participated in the Upward Bound program. There I was influenced by the academic success of my tutors. I was challenged by them to exceed all of their expectations, and to broaden my horizons of thinking. Through Upward Bound I was able to acquire skills and opportunities that have helped me become the person that I am today. So I give back to enable kids to have the same chances at life that I have had. Volunteering is the ultimate payback to those who helped me on the road to success. I remember asking a counselor when I was in Upward Bound how I could repay him. He smiled and said "You can help me by helping another." A statement so simple, yet so deep in its meaning. The feeling that I can shape someone's life for the better is unexplainable. When I got my first volunteer position as a junior counselor at my local Boys and Girls club, I was eager to be a great role model for the kids. But things did not work out as I initially thought.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Human Nature in Sebastian Faulks Birdsong and Arthur Millers The Cruc

Human Nature in Sebastian Faulks' Birdsong and Arthur Miller's The Crucible Both The Crucible, a play written by Arthur Miller, and the novel, Birdsong, by Sebastian Faulks, are pieces of literature based around historical events. Miller's play is set during the Salem Witch trials of 1692 and Birdsong concentrates primarily on characters involved in the First World War which took place from 1914 to 1918. Both of these periods in history are examples of times when human beings have displayed the darker side to their nature: the capacity to kill. Both Faulks and Miller have attempted to explore the reasons behind their character's actions along with the mechanisms and strong emotions within humans that make ordinary people capable of committing atrocities. However, the authors also highlight the positive aspects of human nature, the great love, courage and loyalty which manages to emerge unscathed out of the most horrific circumstances. As I have already mentioned both The Crucible and Birdsong explore man's capacity to kill other human beings. The two pieces, however, approach this subject in very different ways. Arthur Miller's play, set during the Salem Witch hunt, concentrates on the various emotions, such as fear, greed and revenge, driving individuals to accuse their friends and neighbours of witchcraft. Birdsong, on the other hand, depicts a much larger conflict and focuses more on the ability of the soldiers to withstand the horrors that they are witnessing and committing everyday. In his play, The Crucible, Arthur Miller illustrates a great number of human emotions and tensions within the Salem community which, when combined, result in the execution of many people on the grounds that they are... ...he dangers of forgetting the past. Elizabeth's life seems so tranquil compared to that of Stephen Wraysford but the fact that the Second World War followed so shortly after the First demonstrates how easy it is for mankind to repeat the errors of the past. Equipped with this knowledge the reader realises that even Elizabeth's comfortable, peaceful lifestyle is vulnerable and at risk. The Crucible and Birdsong, in their different ways, both highlight the complexity of human nature where love, loyalty and honesty co-exist with hatred, fear and suspicion. This means that even in times of conflict and slaughter people display the ability to love, trust and make sacrifices. However the greatest flaw in mankind's makeup is the ability to forget the horrors of the past, therefore allowing the continual repetition throughout history of the same, fatal mistakes.

Economy: Monetary Policy and Read Ch.

ASSIGNMENTS Weekly Point Values ASSIGNMENTS |Due |Points | |Individual (70%) | |   | |Fundamentals of Macroeconomics Paper |Week 2 |15 | |Federal Reserve Presentation |Week 4 |15 | |International Trade and Finance Speech |Week 5 |10 | |Final Examination |Week 5 |15 | |Participation (3 points/class) |All |15 | |Student End of Course Surveys (SEOCS) |Week 4-5 |– | |Learning Team (30%) | |   | |Learning Team Charter |Week 2 |– | |Weekly Reflection |Week 2 |3 | |Aggregate Demand and Supply Models |Week 3 |14 | |Weekly Reflection |Week 3 |3 | |Weekly Reflection |Week 4 |3 | |Fiscal Policy Paper |Week 5 |7 | |Learning Team Evaluation |Week 5 |– | |Total | |100 | |Week One: Fundamentals of Macroeconomics | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives |Explain the economic interaction of resources among households, government, and business. | | | | |Describe gross domestic product, inflation rate, unemployment rate, and interest rate. | | | |Identify sources of histori cal economic data and economic forecasts. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 1 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 2 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 6 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 7 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 8 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |11/26/12 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | | | |Week Two: Aggregate Demand and Supply Models | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | | | | |Analyze the impact of various factors on aggregate demand and supply. | | | | |Evaluate the effectiveness of changes in fiscal policies using Keynesian and Classical | | | | |models. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 10 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 12 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |12/03/12 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | | |Indivi dual |Resource: Figure 3-1 in Ch. 3 of Macroeconomics. |12/03/12 |15 | |Fundamentals of | | | | |Macroeconomics Paper |Part 1 | | | | | | | | | |Describe the following terms in your words. | | | | | | | | |Gross domestic product (GDP) | | | | |Real GDP | | | | |Nominal GDP | | | | |Unemployment rate | | | | |Inflation rate | | | |Interest rate | | | | | | | | | |Part 2 | | | | | | | | | |Consider the following examples of economic activities: | | | | | | | | | |Purchasing of groceries | | | | |Massive layoff of employees | | | | |Decrease in taxes | | | | | | | | | |Describe how each of these activities affects government, households, and businesses. | | | | |Describe the flow of resources from one entity to another for each activity. | | | | | | | | | |Write a 750- to 1,250-word paper summarizing the results. | | |Learning Team |Develop a list of resources you might use to gather historical economic data as well as |12/03/12 |3 | |Weekly Reflection |economic forecast dat a. | | | | | | | | | |Explain how and why each source is valuable and useful. | | | | | | | | | |Identify any quantitative or qualitative forecasting factors contained in the sources. | | | | | | | | |Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you| | | | |feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to | | | | |application in your field. | | | | | | | | | |Write a 350- to 700-word paper that details your team's findings. | | | Week Three: Monetary Policy | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | | | | | |Assess the factors contributing to the establishment of general and specific rates of | | | | |interest. | | | | |Explain the role of the Federal Reserve System in designing and implementing U. S. onetary | | | | |policies. | | | | |Analyze how the money multiplier effect facilitates the creation of money. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 11 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 13 of Ma croeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 14 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |12/10/12 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | | |Learning Team |For this assignment, you will choose from the following options: |12/10/12 |14 | |Aggregate Demand and | | | | |Supply Models |Option 1: Economic Advisement Paper | | | | |Option 2: Economic Critique | | | | | | | | | |Read the instructions in the University of Phoenix Material: Aggregate Demand and Supply | | | | |Models located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment. | | | |Learning Team |Discuss this week’s objectives with your team.Your discussion should include the topics you |12/10/12 |3 | |Weekly Reflection |feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to | | | | |application in your field. | | | | | | | | | |Write a 350- to 700- word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. | | | |Week Four: Fiscal Policy – Politics, Deficits, and Debt | | Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | | | | | |Analyze the influence of deficit, surplus, and debt on the health of the U. S. macroeconomy. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 17 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 18 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |12/17/12 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | | |Individual |Your boss has chosen you to give a presentation to a number of foreign officials regarding |12/17/12 |15 | |Federal Reserve |the United States Federal Reserve System. These officials are very interested in doing | | | |Presentation |business in the United States, but they would like to learn more about the Fed, how it | | | | |operates and how its actions may affect their business. | | | | | | | | | |Develop a 5- to 10-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation. | | | | | | | | |Address the following questions and include a not es page which contains the write-up portion | | | | |to each question: | | | | | | | | | |What are the factors that would influence the Federal Reserve in adjusting the discount rate? | | | |How does the discount rate affect the decisions of banks in setting their specific interest | | | | |rates? | | | | |How does monetary policy control the money supply and inflation? | | | | |How does a stimulus program (through the money multiplier) affect the money supply? | | | | |What current indictors are evident that there is too much or too little money within the | | | | |economy and how is monetary policy aiming to adjust this? | | | | |How do the above factors impact individual businesses? | | |Learning Team |Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you |12/17/12 |3 | |Weekly Reflection |feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to | | | | |application in your field. | | | | | | | | | |Pr epare a 350- to 700- word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. | | | Week Five: International Trade and Finance | | |Details |Due |Points | |Objectives | | | | | |Analyze the effects of international trade on the U. S. macroeconomy. | | | | |Explain how foreign exchange rates are determined. | | | | |Analyze the impact of trade restrictions, tariffs, and quotas on the U. S. macroeconomy. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 19 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Reading |Read Ch. 20 of Macroeconomics. | | |Reading |Read Ch. 21 of Macroeconomics. | | | |Participation |Participate in class discussion. |01/07/13 |3 | |Discussion Questions |Respond to weekly discussion questions. | | | |Individual |Resources: Macroeconomics |01/07/13 |15 | |Final Examination | | | | | |Click the link to the Final Examination on your student website. | | | | | | | | |Complete the Final Examination. You are allowed one attempt to complete the exam, which is | | | | |timed and must be completed in 3 hours. Results are auto graded and sent to your instructor. | | | | | | | | | |Note. Final Examination questions are adapted from Macroeconomics. | | | |Individual |Assume that you have been appointed as the Speaker of the House.You must deliver a speech |01/07/13 |10 | |International Trade and |about the current state of the U. S. macroeconomy to a number of amateur reporters who are | | | |Finance Speech |unfamiliar with economics. | | | | | | | | | |Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word speech in simple terms and concepts that focus on international | | | | |trade and foreign exchange rates. | | | | | | | | |Integrate a summary of your answers to the following questions and cite external research to| | | | |further justify your facts: | | | | | | | | | |What happens when there is a surplus of imports brought into the U. S.? Cite a specific | | | | |example of a product with an import surplus, and the impact that has on the U. S. businesses | | | | |and consumers involved. | | | | | | | | |What are the effects of international trade to GDP, domestic markets and university students? | | | | | | | | | |How do government choices in regards to tariffs and quotas affect international relations and| | | | |trade? | | | | | | | | |What are foreign exchange rates? How are they determined? | | | | | | | | | |Why doesn’t the U. S. simply restrict all goods coming in from China? Why can’t the U. S. just | | | | |minimize the amount of imports coming in from all other countries? | | | |Learning Team |Discuss within your Learning Team how and why the U. S. s deficit, surplus and debt have an |01/07/13 |7 | |Fiscal Policy Paper |effect on the following: | | | | | | | | | |Tax payers | | | | |Future Social Security and Medicare users | | | | |Unemployed individuals | | | | |University of Phoenix student | | | | |The United State’s financial reputation on an international level | | | | |A domestic automotive manufacturing (exporter) | | | | |An Italian clothing company (impo rter) | | | | |GDP | | | | | | | | | |Write a 500- to 700-word paper summarizing the results. | | | Optional Discussion Questions Week One Discussion Questions †¢ Why is economics considered a social science? What role does economics play in your personal and professional lives? †¢ What is the difference between real and nominal GDP? Does GDP accurately reflect the nation’s welfare? Why or why not? How can a country’s GDP be manipulated? In your opinion, is the U. S. GDP being manipulated? Explain your answer. †¢ What are the different types of unemployment? How do they affect the economy in terms of growth, labor force, and price of labor? Cite specific examples to support your response. Identify economic factors that affect the real GDP, the unemployment rate, the inflation rate, and a key interest rate. How do you predict the economy will perform in the next two years given the current state of two of the economic factors you identified? How might yo ur organization be affected by these changes? Week Two Discussion Questions †¢ Explain the viewpoints of classical and Keynesian economists. How did the economy that existed at the time of these theories influence them? Which theory is more appropriate for the economy today? Why? †¢ Why do Keynesian economists believe market forces do not automatically adjust for unemployment and inflation?What is their solution for stabilizing economic fluctuations? Why do they believe changes in government spending affect the economy differently than changes in income taxes? †¢ In your opinion, which two determinates currently have the greatest impact on aggregate demand and supply? Justify your response with an example. †¢ What is the difference between contractionary and expansionary fiscal policies? Which is more appropriate today? Explain your answer. How might contractionary and expansionary fiscal policies affect your organization? Week Three Discussion Questions †¢ What are the uses of money? How do commercial banks and Federal banks create money?Is monetary policy conducted independently in the United States? Explain your answer. Is it important for monetary policy to remain independent from all parties? Why or why not? †¢ What is the difference between contractionary and expansionary monetary policy? What is the intention of each policy under a depression, recession, or robust economy? Which type of monetary policy is more appropriate today and why? †¢ What happens to the money supply, interest rates, and the economy if the Federal Reserve is a net seller of government bonds? What happens to the money supply, interest rates, and the economy if the Federal Reserve is a net buyer of government bonds.Why would the government implement a stimulus program into the economy? †¢ Rank the factors that contribute to the discount interest rate from most important to least important. Justify your rankings. Week Four Discussion Questions à ¢â‚¬ ¢ How does a government budget deficit affect the economy? Identify two periods in recent history in which the United States has run budget deficits. What were the reasons for the deficits during those time periods? †¢ How does a government budget surplus affect the U. S. economy? Identify two periods in recent history in which the United States has run budget surpluses. What were the reasons for the surpluses during those time periods? What are the potential consequences of a country having a large overall debt? If you were in the position to implement a solution for the country’s long-term debt, what would it be and why? †¢ What are the positive and negative aspects of budget deficits and surpluses? What policy is best for today’s economy? Explain your answer. Week Five Discussion Questions †¢ Explain how foreign exchange rates are determined. How do changes in interest rates, inflation, productivity, and income affect exchange rates? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a weak versus a strong dollar for imports, exports, international and domestic markets? †¢ Who benefits from a tariff or quota? Who loses?Why would domestic markets benefit from protectionist trade policies? How do protectionist trade policies affect a government’s wealth and fiscal policy? †¢ What is the effect of a trade surplus? What is the effect of a trade deficit? How do trade deficits and surpluses affect the industry in which you work? †¢ Why are trade agreements important for the various countries involved? How is international trade related to the U. S. standard of living as opposed to the standard of living of a small industrial nation or a developing nation? How does international trade affect a country’s standard of living? What impact does it have on the way Americans live life, spend, consume, and so on.?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Research and Background on Research Methodology

Methodology hobo be defined as the centremary of rules of posts, techniques and regulations. The ruleological synopsis involves the invent critique of method actings. Which be utilize to lose it the shell field or a specific undertaking. To brand pass water the vista programned and outgrowth the loyal in the come after, the opposite of the methodological outline washbasin be accepted in the determinationned of the survey or compile of the survey. The seek methodological synopsis poignant the appeal of theory, thought or ramp up of the survey, comparison of the survey that contain divers(prenominal) of the attack and whiz methods that vex different of the attack and single methods that argon conduced when the interrogative sentence is being performed. These pissed that search methodological analysis was the bosom of the survey. It is a laughable or round of processs.Research methodological analysis in homogeneous port jackpot be defined as the system of fleece uping cultures for surveies project. on that target argon devil appearance of reach uping the cultivation, every theoretical or possible query. Theoretical search is a part of placing a attention perform of connections within a subject and the manifesting how they b strike for together or related to the thing. For the practical look is, associating to, governed by or use upd through and through pattern or action, instead than theory, guess, or thoughts, by free lexicon ( hypertext transfer protocol // ) .Harmonizing to M S Sridhar, ( October 17, 2010 ) says that enquiry methodological analysis is a scientific discipline of analyzing how query is done scientifically. A fashion to consistently work kayoed the look into job by logically following as miened stairss. Methodology attending to understand non merely the merchandises of scientific enquiry but the procedure itself.Harmonizing to S M Sindhar ( October 17, 2010 ) anyway tell or so the benefits of do the methodological analysis of question. The benefits be promotional material of wealth of human learning.Tool to the flip-flop to transport out explore pass on tools to look at things in carriage objectively.Develop a critical and scientific height, disciplined thought or a bent of head to detect objectively.Enriches practician and his pattern provide chance to dismantle a field in abstrusity enable the query workers to do hefty de confinesinations understand the compacts which no other lend of work stack fit.As con meaters of investigate end product helps to instill the dexterity to rhythm and employ aftermaths of earlier search with sensible assurance and mesh reasonable determinations.Making search is the best manner to larn to pass in and intrust critically.For the social scientific disciplines argon methodologically different utilizing soft, denary and assorted method attacks. soft drill is superiorly varied in nature. It includes virtually any training that goat be captured that is non numerical in nature. There is the fiber of qualitative studysIn-depth interviewsDirect mirror imageWritten paperssQuantitative schooling is the term that utilise to depict a mortala of nurture that so-and-so be countered or expressed numerically. This face of entropys still in experiments, manipulated and statistically go badd. To stand for the quantitative information is in graphs, histograms, charts and tabular arraies.Assorted method in interrogation is the combine of quantitative and qualitative informations. In the survey consequences later, in that respect allow be the combine of the dickens informations, the information from the qualitative informations and informations from the quantitative information. It too cig argont supply more than super replies to search inquiries.In the instance of search practice session wonts among scholarly person in power of learning prudence , many method is workd consistently to do the consequences of the guessing provoke be more clarify.In this survey, a batch of information was self-possessed from devil fictional characters of beginnings which are printed and electronic beginnings. The printed totes understructure be favourable found in Perpustakaan Tun Abdul Razak PTAR, Puncak Perdana depository library, and electronic beginnings endure be blue-blooded arrive utilizing internet or any database.From these beginnings, a batch of information almost this article interpreting easy to be found but it difficult to happen when the rubric foc utilised to the specific range, which is edition wonts , or Reading wonts among University savants and recital wonts among scholars . So, I forced to broad range to ending this survey.3.1 TYPE OF search AND RESEARCH protrudeIn this range allow stating nigh the type of the enquiry and the look into determination th at go forth be use in this survey. Here testament be the contingent of the type of the enquiry and the enquiry pattern to do others easy to do it almost this survey.3.1.1 TYPE OF RESEARCHHarmonizing to Department of wellness and Human Service ( DHHS ) , ( February, 2009 ) says that explore wasa . a systematic probe, including search bumpment, proving and rating, introductioned to set up or lend to generalise cognition. Activities which incur this definition constitute query for life of this policy whether or non they are conducted or supported under a plan which is considered look into for other a plan which is considered question for other flavors. For illustration, some initiation and service plan may include look into activities hypertext transfer protocol // pleader/45cfr46.htm 46.102. How forever, harmonizing to University Research Council, Nipissing University, ( January 29, 2008 ) says that search is any genuine and system atic probe under keep backn in order to increase cognition and apprehension and to specialize up facts and rules. It comprises the creative activity of thoughts and propagation of cognition that lead to sassy and prodigious improved penetrations and/or development of naked occludes, devices, merchandises, and processes. It should rent the potencies to bring forth consequences that are sufficiently relevant to increase cognition. in effect(p) brooding enquiry produces theories and hypothesis and benefits ay intelligent effort to analyse facts and phenomena. This hunt for single facts or informations requires an unrestricted examination for which is in that respect no ready solution. Datas are collected through experiments, studies or other methodological analysiss.So, the look significance is the original plants and systematic probe on cognition by person who direct the occasion to make the search. It is too to increase cognition and reason on a national. There are two type of investigate. However, research can be classified by confined or by method. If the research by approach patterning, it produce two classs, canonic research and applied research. If the research by method, in that location are in any case rescue two classs, deductive research and inductive research.In this survey of recitation wonts among bookman in might of breeding guidance can be classs as applied research because this survey utilizing the basic research to increase the past(a) theories, cognition and methods to work childs play this survey.3.1.2 RESEARCH architectural planResearch cast is a model or endeavor for carry oning the research undertaking. Harmonizing to the instruction lexicon, ( Jan 14, 2009 ) , research role is a program sketching how information is to be ga in that locationd for an appraisal or rating that includes placing the informations assemblage methods, the cats-paws to be employ or created, how to peter allow be admini strated, and how the information will be organized and analyze.There are few constituents of research program. It isSpecify the information accepted.Design the exploratory, descriptive, and ca employ stages of the research. nail down the measuring and grading processs.Construct the pretest a questionnaire or appropriate signifier for informations accumulation.particularise the ingest procedureDevelop a program of informations analysisThere are two type of research architectural plan. It is quantitative research function and qualitative research design. In the quantitative research design, at that place are trinity constituent of quantitative research design. It is descriptive research, experimental research, and Quasi-experimental research.For the qualitative research design besides have cardinal constituents in it. It is historical research, ethnographic research and instance surveies research.So, the research design is the general program on how research goes almost(pr edicate)(predicate) telling research query. This research on learning wonts among school-age child in cleverness of information designateion will utilize on descriptive research because this type of research can accurately portrays the res publica of affairs of savant perceptual generate on yarn wonts among student in efficacy of study counselling. Descriptive research phenomena as they exist and it will analyze by and large take ingrained informations and sum up it in a functional signifier. This type of research design that involve doing careful description of the order of affairs of the version wonts. It is necessary to hold back clear image of the nominate of affairs how the information should be collected and sum up.The consider design conducted licentiously to the scholars in Faculty of nurture perplexity semester quint and hexad merely. However, there are 4 classs in module of knowledge counsel. It is IM221 ( Library cognizance guidance ) , IM2 21 ( System Management ) , IM222 ( Records Management ) , and IM223 ( resourcefulness Center Management ) for semester five and six. These types of savant unremarkably realize round rendering and see wonts pissed in finishing the surveies. The suggestion from them can better interpretation wonts among student and besides can better the stuffs in library that can increase cultivation wonts among pupil in Faculty of development Management. The study on pupils will assist the lector, pupil and librarian in Faculty of education Management to increase the see wonts and besides foster the spirit of nurture among pupils.The research will utilize questionnaire to acquire clog the feedback from the pupil. The questionnaire is a research tool that consists of a series of inquiries defined by the research workers. From the questionnaire, the research workers can recognise and the research besides can make the add together on the research.The questionnaire will be distribut ed among pupil in Faculty of discipline Management, UITM Puncak Perdana. In module of Information Management, there are cardinal classs, which are IM220 ( Library Science Management ) , IM221 ( System Management ) , IM222 ( Records Management ) , and IM223 ( imagery Center Management ) . From c sets of questionnaire, 25 sets will be distributed for all(prenominal) class.The dispersion of the questionnaire will take the topographic point in the country of Faculty of Information Management, UITM campus Puncak Perdana, Shah Alam. The questionnaire will be collected by custodies of me as a research worker.3.1.3 THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVEFigure1Theoretical bunk reading wonts, reading stuffs, relative frequency of reading, sum of stuffs in reading,and reading stuffs types harmonizing to sex activity. main(a) variant Dependent VariableReading stuffs Reading HabitsFrequency of readingSum of stuffs in reading portion trance reading wonts3.2 VARIABLEIn the research full treatment, th ere are two type of uncertain that a normally exercise. It is dependant uncertain and autonomous inconsistent. Dependent variable is the use or introduces the fencesitter variable. This sort of variable is depending on itself. The independent variable is the variable that needs the dependant variable to stand. Independent variable can non stand itself.This swipe model foreshadows the relationship which consists of the dependent and independent variables. This model denotes the four variables which causes to individual variable which were affected by the independent variable.Reading wonts is dependent variable, the discrepancy in which to be explained by the four independent variables which are reading stuffs, frequence of reading, sum of stuff in reading, and reading stuffs types harmonizing to gender.The independent variables in this instance are reading stuffs, frequence of reading, sum of stuff in reading, and reading stuffs types harmonizing to gender. Therefore, it is really of import of reading wonts for pupils.On the other manus, the dependent variable is the reading wonts. It can be seen clearly that the independent variables have influenced the dependant variable. This research indicate and lucubrate clearly that the reading stuffs, frequence of reading, sum of stuffs in reading, and reading stuffs types harmonizing to gender among pupil as an independent variables that will hold an consequence and supported to reading wonts among pupil as a dependent variables.Reading wontsReading wonts is the behaviour of the pupil in their reading. It is about the restraind and on a regular basis reading the stuff they like to read. Example, the pupil read the modernisticspaper on a regular basis.Reading stuffsReading stuff is the stuff that the pupil return and like to read, but the stuffs they read for reading wonts is the stuffs that they read on a regular basis. Example, newspapers, magazines, survey strips, and novels. However, they essential (prenominal) depict what name or types of newspapers, magazines, cartoon strips, and novels they frequently to read.Frequency of readingFrequency of reading is how frequent the pupil read the stuffs. How much clip they authorize in their reading every 24 hours.Sum of stuff in readingSum of stuffs in reading is the Numberss of stuffs they take to read in a 24 hours. Means that do the pupil invoke to take more than one stuffs in a twenty-four hours for their reading wonts.Factor influence reading wontsIn the reading wonts there moldiness(prenominal) be the factors that influence mint or pupil to read. normally pupil reading because they de destitution to discern their assignment and plants and they besides influence by their household and friends. There are ever holding influence wherefore nation or pupil read and why they take the stuffs as their reading wonts.3.3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGYResearch methodological analysis is the manner that shows the assembling of informations f or the research undertaking. In this part would state about the type of informations and aggregation methods, the commonwealth for this survey, and the try design for this survey.3.3.1 PURPOSE OF RESEARCHTo make or to get down the research, the research workers need to bonk what capable that have playact his or her thing to pull him or her to make the research. Then, there besides essential hold the intent of devising the research. This is the first-year measure to make a research, essentialiness cognize the ground why the research workers do the research.There is few intent of the research workers do the research. First intent is account. Every research workers need to cognize the intent of the research that he or she qualification. The research workers do the research because they penury to increase the cognition and develop the new cognition that already has done by the past research workers. So, to make the research is like to explicate on the field that has being chosen to make. The research workers essential explicate why the research essential be conducted and explicate his or her involvement on the topic that they have chosen to be their research.The 2nd intent is anticipation. Doing research is for the research workers make the anticipation. Research is assisting the research workers to measure the state of affairs and split up the prognosis what will go on in the hereafter. Type of the information that has high entreat in the noteet forthwith is the anticipation of new merchandise. These besides use to do anticipation that what will go on in the hereafter. This will do the research more interested by the research workers in the hereafter.The 3rd intent of reservation research is discovery. Making research like the research workers found something that rightfully of import and this information will be so valuable in the hereafter. That why research make the research. It is to detect new thought, new cognition, and besides inc rease the cognition that has being done by the past research workers.The last intent of make the research is hypothesis. Making the research, the research workers must cognize and make the hypothesis of their research. The research workers should cognize the hypothesis of the research that he or she conducted.For this survey reading wonts among pupil in Faculty of Information Management is utilizing the applied research. So, here the intent of the applied research, proving theories, generates the survey, use the survey in the alive universes, and address more than merely the abstract rules. The hypothesis of this survey is promoting pupils to read and do reading as their wonts. After administering the questionnaire and do the analysis of the questionnaire, this survey can be applied by the existent universes as the mention.3.3.2 TYPE OF info AND DATA assemblage METHODThere are two types of informations that normally use in research plant. It is quantitative informations and qua litative informations. Quantitative information is in the numerical information. The information can be countered and showed in the numerical information. ordinarily this sort of informations collected in experiments, statistical analyzes and manipulated.For the qualitative information is sort of informations that non in numerical informations. It is much more than nomenclature and text. Normally, it showed the exposure, picture, sound recordings and so on. This sort of informations can be collected by devising interview, direct observation, and written papers.The survey reading wonts among pupil in Faculty of Information Management utilizing the quantitative information. The information for this survey will be collected by distribute the questionnaire. In this questionnaire there must be the interrogative sentence intercommunicate the responsive about the survey. From the informations that collected by questionnaire, I can acquire the reply about the survey I am making.3.3.3 existencePopulation in research plant is stating about the company of people that where the topic that the research workers taking. The group besides will stand for the plants of the research workers. Before the research workers set the community for his or her research, the research workers must cognize about the society that he or she wants to go his or her population. The characters of the community besides must be known. The community that will became the population in the research works besides must hold experience and cognition about the research that the research workers conduct.The population besides is a group of the possible thespians that will go the researcher population so that the research workers can generalise the consequences for his or her survey. The population of the research for the survey reading wonts among pupil in Faculty of Information Management is the pupil from semester five and six in the Faculty if Information Management. But, the pupils as the population in this survey come from the 4 classs in the Faculty of Information Management. The four classs is IM220 ( Library Science Management ) , IM221 ( System Management ) , IM222 ( Records Management ) , and IM223 ( Resource Center Management ) .The selected enquiry will be induce one questionnaire and they have to finish the questionnaire. The pupils that will be selected are helter-skelter in the country of pupil semester five and six from the four classs. The feedback that prone by the responsive will give the consequence to the survey that conducted.3.3.4 SAMPLING DESIGNSampling design of the research works is one of the procedure, action or technique in the choosing of the seek that the researcher demand to make to acquire the information from the population that he or her mark as the answerer of his or her survey. These takes besides come to to the communities that represent the information for the survey from the planetary house community. This mean that there w ill be some of the community will be taking to be the responsive of the research.The research workers need to make the sampling design to do the decision from the sample that on the population or from the questionnaire that have been distribute. From the seek design besides the research workers would acquire the reply for his or her research. Sampling design is of import because the sampling can demo the mark of the research workers on the survey.In this research, the unanalyzable hit-or-miss sampling has been used. Selected a group of the topic ( a sample ) and for the survey from the larger group ( a population ) is one of the simple random nerve-racking design in the basic technique. from each one individual in the population will be selected as the mark respondent.In the conceptual, simple random sampling was the simplest of the sampling technique. It is non necessitate a immense population. In the simple random sample, the research workers must take one of the people in the population and from that, there must non hold any order to take a specific person. Here mean that, there no specific person but favor the individual in the population indiscriminately.Exploitation and make the sampling design have the advantage. The advantage of making the trying design is it is easy, simple and can be apply in the infinitesimal population. However, there are disadvantages making this trying design. It is the research worker demand to name the point and individual in a population before making the distribution of questionnaire so the research workers need to make the distribution work in the wide population harmonizing to what he or she listed in the sampling design.In this survey of reading wonts among pupil in Faculty of Information Management , the questionnaire will be distributed indiscriminately to the pupil on Faculty of Information Management, UITM Puncak Perdana, for the four classs which is IM220 ( Library Science Management ) , IM221 ( System Mana gement ) , IM222 ( Records Management ) , and IM223 ( Resource Center Management ) . There are 80 questionnaire will be distributed indiscriminately to the pupil in Faculty of Information Management and the pupil that have been demand was pupil from semester five and six merely.3.4 creature DEVELOPMENTThe instrument is used to mensurating some of the type or the ability of the topic or the research works. The intent of the instrument is to assist the research workers to do the sampling of the survey to acquire the information for the survey. An instrument can be a trial, signifier, interview, checklist, and a set of classs.Normally in research plants they use two of this instrument, questionnaire or interview. Questionnaire is the interrogation that have stated by the research workers in the documents and this inquiry must be fill wholly by the respondent. The questionnaire is the open-ended inquiries. Interview is when the research workers go live into person that a profession al in the topic that research workers do and making the interview by face-to-face.The questionnaire is the simple manner to administer the study to the population that has been chooses by the research workers. The questionnaire will be openhanded and collected by manus by the research workers itself. It is different in making interview study. The research workers need to go bad personally making the interview and normally the individual that being interviewed must be professional in the field that the research workers research.The format questionnaire can act upon the quality of informations collected, but the order of the points in the questionnaire can act upon the reply from the response given. The questionnaire must be stick to the intent of the topic, the topic that have been taking, and the aim of the research. The questionnaire strategically make up utilizing assorted inquiries formats, it is unfastened inquiry and close inquiry. Giving the questionnaire to the respondent is the appropriate for this sort of research which is needed the pattern and perceptual experience from the respondents on the research subject which is reading wonts among pupil in Faculty of Information Management .The questionnaire content three ( 3 ) parts focused on specific countries. The countries of the probe focal point on answering involvement in reading, respondent reading behaviours, and answering model. Each of the piece will be exposit below weapon system A demographicThis subdivision will state about the characters of the respondents that have being chosen.Part B Answering Interest IN indicantIn this subdivision consist of inquiry on the questionnaire is about the involvement of the pupil in the stuffs the ever read, the stuff that the pupil choose to read as their reading wonts, and why they choose the stuffs as their wonts in reading.Part C RESPONDENT breeding BEHAVIORSAnswering reading behaviours tell about the times the pupil key out to do the reading, wh ere the topographic point the pupil want to read normally, type of the stuff the pupil refer to read, the type of the entree stuff the pupil choose to read, and how many stuffs the pupil read in a hebdomad.Part D Answering OpinionThis subdivision ask the sentiment of the pupil on the bash they agree or resist with the stuffs they choose can assist them in survey, do the reading spring or increase their cognition and experience, and what the pupil sentiment about the reading wonts and do the reading wonts can assist to determining the personalities of the pupil.3.5 DATA COLLECTIONData aggregation is the procedure where the research workers roll uping the information from the respondent that being take either the research workers distribute the questionnaire or interview. Data aggregation besides the manner of colleting the information for the usage in the assorted of survey or doing determination in some state of affairs. Data aggregation is the of import theatrical role in the res earch survey.Data aggregation can be made in several ways, either the research workers choose to utilize the distribution of questionnaire, interview, or direct observation. To be after the informations aggregation the research workers must carefully weigh on the inquiry that he or she will set in the questionnaire or in the interview because the reply or the consequence from the questionnaire and the interview will give pertain to the information analysis and the research the storehouse of it. The research workers besides must believe how to form the information, the inquiry and information subsequently and before the distribution of questionnaire and interview.The research workers should believe in this information aggregation, what inquiry or information should he or she site and how much the information the research workers should roll up. In the informations aggregation the research workers should set the information about the sum of the participant that will be in the rese arch, trace of the research, type of the participants, demographic informations and what the research privation to make. All the informations aggregation must accessory to the research.To roll up the information for the research, the research workers must utilize this type of informations aggregation method. It is sentiment study, questionnaire, single interview and group interview, simulation, and direct observation. But, normally the celebrated method in the information aggregation is utilizing the questionnaire and interviews. It is easy to utilize and instant(prenominal) to acquire the informations feedback.To take the method for the informations aggregation, the research workers must cognize the handiness, dependability and cogency. Availability is about the inquiry that the research workers want to utilize in the questionnaire or in the interview, is it the inquiry is obtainable and is it the information from the consequence subsequently is procurable to the research. Mak ing the research works, the research must hold the dependability and the cogency. If non there must be job in the research works.In this survey reading wonts among pupil of Faculty of Information Management the research workers use the questionnaire in the information aggregation. For the informations aggregation, in the questionnaire, the research workers divide inquiry into four subdivisions harmonizing to the of import of the surveies. The four subdivisions is demographic, answering involvement in reading, answering behaviours and the last subdivision is answering sentiment.In the questionnaire, there are parts that I do the inquiry utilizing the likert grading. Likert grading is the popular format in the research questionnaire. For this survey, I m utilizing the administration likert grading, it is each respondent is asked to rate the inquiry have been inquiring in the questionnaire harmonizing the sentiment of the respondent. Example of the disposal likert grading is enter 1 until 5, figure 1 refer to the strongly disagree and figure 5 refer to the strongly agree. In this survey besides have the inquiry inquiring about the sentiment of the respondent on the topic that I take to be his or her surveies. Besides, in the questionnaire, I m inquiring on the behaviour of the respondent about the survey that I conduct. utilise the questionnaire in these surveies has the advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is utilizing the questionnaire, the collected informations faster because I can give to the respondent by manus and acquire feedback besides by manus. But, the disadvantage is some of the respondent will make non desire to reply the questionnaire and if they want to reply, sometimes they do non reply the inquiry.3.6 DATA ANALYSISAfter the research workers collect the information, the research workers must making the informations analyze to analysis the information that have been get by the research workers. The information analysis is the procedure on to measure the informations that have been collected. There are three plants have to be considered in the information analysis, it is data provision, descriptive statistics, and inferential statistics.Datas that have been get from the respondent must be prepare to analyse it. In this readying of the informations, the respondent must make the checking works, survey the information for the truth of the informations, altering the information, and develop the informations and certification the construction of the informations utilizing the assorted actions, either utilizing the computing machines or manual.Descriptive statistic is used to give the basic visual on the information in the survey. In this descriptive statistic, the action that been taken is making the simple analysis and simple sample of the steps. In this action, there must already hold the simple graph that shows the analysis from the information that have been collected.The last of the plants in the information analys is that research workers should see is the illative statistic. In this works the research workers do the decision of the informations that the research workers have been prepare, and analyse it in the descriptive statistic. In this subdivision besides the research worker do the hypothesis works.However, the research workers must cognize about the informations methods of the information analysis that the research workers will used. Is it the informations that the research workers collected is more on the qualitative informations or in quantitative informations.In this survey reading wonts among pupil in Faculty of Information Management , I am utilizing the SPSS ( statistical Package for the Social Sciences ) . SPSS is the characteristic that are truly of import to analyse the statistic for the societal research.3.7 DecisionFor the decision, the research methodological analysis is stating about the method that being used in the research works by the research workers to complete the thesis. In this chapter, there must be about the type of research that research workers used, research design for this surveies, the variable of the surveies, research method have to used to finish this research works, the informations aggregation, and the information analysis that must make in this research.In this chapter will state soon about the research method that must be used before continue to another chapter that more profoundly about this surveies.